Software Engineer - Simplifies tech to help others

Merely Emissions

A tool to calculate the carbon emissions produced by a website or web application.
Reduce Your Website’s Carbon Footprint for a Greener Future - Merely Emissions
Measure, reduce, and report your website’s carbon footprint with Merely Emissions, making the digital world more sustainable.

At Merely Emissions, we are committed to reducing the environmental impact of the digital world. As a co-founder, I played a key role in developing and launching a platform that empowers businesses to analyze and mitigate their websites' carbon footprints. Our mission was to promote sustainable digital practices through cutting-edge technology and actionable insights.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Platform Development: Creating the tools that measure websites' electricity usage and carbon emissions.
  • Sustainability Insights: Provided detailed reports and recommendations to enhance website sustainability.
  • Business Strategy: Developed and executed strategies to position Merely Emissions as a leader in digital sustainability solutions.
  • Marketing Strategy: Designed and implemented marketing campaigns to increase brand awareness and client acquisition.
A MacBook Pro that displays the Merely Emissions platform with a successful scan of On the right side of the laptop there is a small plant in a pot, and a cup of tee.
A laptop is displaying the Merely Emissions platform with a successful scan of

Technologies and Tools


We received the “Innovation Excellence” award at FutureMakers. The price was given by a committee of representatives from InternetstiftelsenMalmö CityMalmö UniversityMinc, and Sparbanken Syd.

An image of Ellie and I on stage accepting the price.
Ellie and I are accepting the Innovation Excellence price.