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Where should I host my portfolio?

In this blog post, I compare Azure, AWS, and Railway, highlighting why Railway is the best choice for developers, especially students building portfolio websites. Inspired by discussions with my classmates about job readiness. Ready to dive in? Check out my promo link to get started with Railway!
Where should I host my portfolio?
Photo by Stephen Phillips - / Unsplash

Recently, my fellow third-year students in my bachelor's program have been thinking about how to land jobs in the software development space once they graduate. One thing that's become clear is the importance of having a portfolio website. My friend Filip Bengtegård Book specifically asked me for some tips, which got me thinking about the best ways to host and deploy these portfolio sites. That's what inspired me to write this comparison of cloud platforms, with a focus on why I believe Railway is an excellent choice for developers, especially those just starting out.

When I am building any software that will be available to access online, I do not want to spend hours configuring infrastructure, and I do not want to waste my time doing that when there are people better than me already doing it.

What is Railway?

Railway is an infrastructure company, just like AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, and GCS (Google Cloud Services), but there is one thing they do better than all of them, UX.

Railway has spent a lot of time creating a wonderful UX and making it simple to host your infrastructure on their platform.

Why Microsoft Azure is the worst!

Microsoft Azure, while a powerful cloud platform, has several drawbacks that can make it challenging for developers.

Extensive Service Offerings
With over 200 services, Azure provides a wide range of options for developers.
Complex Interface
Azure's interface is notoriously cluttered and difficult to navigate. Imagine trying to find your way through a corn maze while blindfolded—good luck with that!
Hidden Costs
Azure’s pricing model can be as perplexing as trying to decipher a menu in a foreign language. You think you’re ordering a simple dish, but then you find out the breadsticks cost extra!
Steep Learning Curve
With over 200 different services, mastering Azure requires significant time investment.
Frequent Updates
While updates can bring improvements, the constant changes in Azure's interface can feel like playing a game where the rules change every time you score.
Limited Customization
Some users find Azure's pre-configured solutions restrictive.

Last note on my love for Azure 💔

Sorry Microsoft but that is so bad that I don't know which one is worse Azure or Ling’s Cars. Ling's Cars website, with its notoriously chaotic design, is easier to navigate than Azure's labyrinthine interface. At least on Ling's Cars, you can find the "Buy a Car" button without needing a treasure map!

Please note that Ling’s Car actually works on mobile, compared to Azure.

Why AWS is okay!

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a robust and widely-used cloud platform that offers several benefits, but with some large drawbacks.

Comprehensive Service Offering
AWS provides an extensive range of services, covering everything from computing power to machine learning.
AWS excels at handling large-scale operations. You can scale your infrastructure up or down based on your application's needs, making it suitable for enterprises and applications that require significant resources.
Global Infrastructure
With numerous data centers worldwide, AWS offers low-latency access and high availability.
Mature Ecosystem
AWS has a vast marketplace of third-party tools and integrations.
The sheer number of services can be overwhelming, especially for smaller projects or less experienced developers. It's akin to trying to assemble IKEA furniture without the instructions—frustrating!
Pricing Complexity
While flexible, AWS's pricing model can be difficult to understand and predict. You might think you're getting a great deal until you see the final bill—surprise!

Why Railway rocks!

In contrast, Railway offers a more streamlined and developer-friendly approach.

Intuitive Interface
Railway's clean, modern interface makes it easy to navigate and manage projects. Unlike Azure's labyrinthine layout, Railway feels like a walk in the park—if that park had Wi-Fi.
Transparent Pricing
Railway uses a straightforward pricing model based on actual resource usage. No hidden costs here!
Rapid Deployment
With direct deployment from GitHub repositories, Railway significantly reduces time from code to production. You can go from "Hello World" to "Hello Users!" faster than you can say "Ling's Cars."
Automatic Scaling
Railway handles scaling automatically based on your application's needs without requiring manual configuration. Imagine having a personal assistant who knows exactly when you need more coffee.
Limited Service Options
Compared to larger platforms, Railway offers fewer specialized services, which may not suit all project needs.
Less Established
As a newer platform, Railway may lack some of the extensive documentation and community resources of more established providers.

They do however have an amazing Discord community.
Potential for Vendor Lock-in
Railway's streamlined approach may make it challenging to migrate to other platforms if needed.

Comparison Table

Feature Railway Azure AWS
User Interface ✅ Clean and intuitive ❌ Complex and cluttered ✅ Improved but still complex
Pricing Model ✅ Transparent, per-minute billing ❌ Complex with potential hidden costs ❌ Pay-as-you-go but can be complex
Learning Curve ✅ Shallow ❌ Steep ❌ Moderate to steep
Service Variety ❌ Limited but focused ✅ Extensive (200+ services) ✅ Extensive
Deployment Speed ✅ Very fast (one-click from GitHub) ❌ Can be complex ✅ Varies by service
Automatic Scaling ✅ Yes, built-in ✅ Available but may require configuration ✅ Available but may require configuration
Global Infrastructure ❌ Limited ✅ Extensive (60+ regions) ✅ Extensive (30+ regions)
Community Support ❌ Growing ✅ Large and established ✅ Large and established

Get Started with Railway Today!

If you feel ready to try Railway for yourself, please feel free to use my referral link. Whether you're building your first portfolio site or looking for a more developer-friendly cloud platform.

👉 Get started with Railway

By using this link, you'll get $5 to use within Railway, and so do I, which will help me maintaining my portfolio too! It's a win-win!

Remember, in the world of cloud platforms, Railway is like that efficient, punctual train that gets you to your destination without any fuss. So hop on board and let's build some amazing projects together! 🙌🏼

PS. If I would have recommended Azure or AWS I would have received more money from a referral, but I would rather promote a product I believe in.

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